The Association for Inner
Mission in Bremen (Verein für Innere
Mission in Bremen) focuses on the topics of support and advance, life in
old age, psycho-social help and help for the homeless and refugees. Its range
of services includes debt counselling and debt prevention, and it is an
accredited debt counselling centre according to Article 305 of the German
Insolvency Code (Insolvenzordnung).
The association makes settlements out of court with creditors and works with
debtors to complete an application for the commencement of consumer insolvency
proceedings. 6 years after the proceedings are commenced, debtors are relieved
of their debt, if no grounds for denying debt relief apply and debtors comply
with their obligations.
Verein für Innere Mission
in Bremen
Blumenthalstrasse 10 |
28209 Bremen
Debt and insolvency
counselling by appointment:
Tel: +49 421 15575
Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Appointments must be
arranged in advance.
The information centres (Beratungsstellen) of the consumer
advice centres (Verbraucherzentralen)
in the state of Bremen provide support and advice for consumers who have high
energy costs and/or are facing the threat of electricity cut-offs.
The information centres
provide support and advice on the following topics:
Checking your heating bill
Energy-saving user behaviour
Saving electricity/energy
Checking and receiving advice on your tariff or changing your electricity or gas provider
Consumer right (energy right)
Energy budget advice:
If you have problems paying your electricity bill, the Verbraucherzentrale will help you
Optimally plan your household finances
Find energy-saving opportunities
Secure your power supply in the long term and prevent electricity shut-offs
If you are threatened with an electricity shut-off.
As required, the Verbraucherzentrale assists with managing your outstanding payments, contacting and negotiating with your energy provider and arranging further counselling services.
Energy checks at consumers’ homes:
Building check for homeowners
Basic check (flat) for tenants and owners
Heating check for tenants with the written consent of the owner
Personal energy consultation in the counselling centres is free of charge. The basic check for tenants and homeowners is also free of charge. Further energy checks cost €40. Low-income households with corresponding proof (e.g. receipt of BAföG [federal student’s assistance], housing subsidy, AsylbLG [asylum seeker’s assistance], welfare benefits) receive all energy counselling services free of charge.
Consultation hours for
energy consultations:
Monday to Friday: 9:00am-1:00pm
Tuesday: 2:00pm-6:00pm
Thursday: 3:00pm-8:00pm
Open consultation hours for
consumer rights advice:
Monday to Thursday: 10:00am-6:00pm
Friday: 10:00am-1:00pm
Energy Consultations in
Bremen-Nord (in
the Stadtbibliothek library)
Aumunder Heerweg 87 | 28757
Energy consultations by
appointment: Tel: +49 421 160777
Consultation hours:
Thursday: 12:00pm-3:00pm
Beratungsstelle Bremerhaven (Bremerhaven Information Centre) Barkhausenstrasse 16 | 27568 Bremerhaven Energy consultations by appointment: Tel: +49 471 26194 Consultation hours: Monday: 9:00am-12:00pm and 2:00pm-6:00pm Open consultation hours for consumer rights advice: Monday and Wednesday: 10:00am-6:00pm, Friday 10:00am-1:00pm Tuesday and Thursday by appointment only
Bremerhaven Social Services
Department (Sozialamt Bremerhaven)
provides support and advice for individuals who claim benefits according to the
Twelfth Book of the German Social Security Code (SGB XII) or the German Asylum
Seekers’ Benefit Act (AsylbLG). Please note: If the energy debt was incurred
while benefits were being claimed, support according to Article 37 SGB XII will
be considered.
Assumption of debt by means of a loan
Repayment of the loan in instalments
The Social Services
Department additionally provides support and advice for individuals, who are
not dependent on financial aid ,and find themselves in corresponding serious
difficulties with energy debt. In such cases, support is provided according to
Article 36 SGB XII.
Assumption of debt by means of a loan
Assumption of debt by means of a grant
Repayment of the loan in instalments
Verwaltungszentrum (Administration Centre) | Stadthaus 4, ground floor and
first floor | 27524 Bremerhaven
Opening hours:
Monday: 9:00am-12:00pm and
Wednesday and Friday:
Visitors can, of course,
also come to the Social Service Department outside opening hours if they have
arranged an appointment in advance.
The Jobcenter Bremerhaven
provides support and advice for individuals who claim benefits according to the
Second Book of the German Social Security Code (SGB II). The benefits are only
granted if the applicant has no other way of overcoming his/her financial
difficulties. If the energy debt was incurred while benefits were being
claimed, support according to Article 24, paragraph 1 SGB II will be considered.
Assumption of debt by means of a loan
Repayment of the loan in instalments
If the energy debt was
incurred before benefits were claimed, support according to Article 22,
paragraph 8 SGB II will be considered. The benefits provider will make the
repayments by offsetting them against the benefits.
Assumption of debt by means of a loan
Repayment of the loan by means of offsetting
Jobcenter Bremerhaven
Service hotline: +49 471
1428333 Monday to Friday:
Employment service and
advice: Grimsbystrasse 1 | 28570
Bremerhaven, Germany
Opening hours:
Monday: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am to 1:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am to 1:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am to 6:00pm
Friday: 8:00am to 1:00pm
Applications for “Arbeitslosengeld II” unemployment
benefits and cash benefits: Stadthaus 3 |
Hinrich-Schmalfeld-Strasse | 28576 Bremerhaven
Opening hours:
Monday: 8:30am-1:00pm and
Wednesday: 8:30am-1:00pm
Friday: 8:30am-1:00pm
The Jobcenter Bremen
provides support and advice for individuals who claim benefits according to the
Second Book of the German Social Security Code (SGB II). The benefits are only
granted if the applicant has no other way of overcoming his/her financial
difficulties. If the energy debt was incurred while benefits were being
claimed, support according to Article 24, paragraph 1 SGB II will be
Assumption of debt by means of a loan
Repayment of the loan in instalments
If the energy debt was
incurred before benefits were claimed, support according to Article 22,
paragraph 8 SGB II will be considered. The benefits provider will make the
repayments by offsetting them against the benefits.
Assumption of debt by means of a loan
Repayment of the loan by means of offsetting
The following consultation hours for visitors without an appointment apply to all branches of the Jobcenter Bremen:
Monday: 8:00am-11:30am
Tuesday: 8:00am-11:30am
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: 8:00am-11:30am
and 3:00pm-6:00pm for employed visitors and scheme participants
Friday: closed
The approved debt counselling centres in Bremen and Bremerhaven provide support and advice for people who have debt problems or are facing a situation of over-indebtedness. The comprehensive consulting services available at the centres deal with topics such as:
Preventive debt counselling
Creating transparency with regard to payment obligations
Producing a budget plan
Settlement of debts out of court
Supporting and accompanying insolvency proceedings
Setting up an account exempt from attachment (Pfändungsschutzkonto)
In the case of low-income households able to provide appropriate evidence [e.g. recipients of basic social benefits and/or unemployment benefits (Hartz IV)], debt counselling costs may be covered by a social benefits provider where applicable. In addition, the city of Bremen provides selected information centres with a lump-sum payment for the provision of support and advice for low-income employees and recipients of “Arbeitslosengeld I” unemployment benefits as an ex-gratia payment.
The Specialist Centre for Debt Counselling in the State of Bremen (FSB) acts as a coordination and specialist counselling centre for its members: “Fachzentrum Schuldenberatung im Lande Bremen e.V.” Specialist Centre for Debt Counselling in the State of Bremen Außer der Schleifmühle 53 28203 Bremen Tel: +49 421 168168
Magistrat der Stadt
Bremerhaven Schuldnerberatung (Municipal Authority of the City of Bremerhaven)
| Stadthaus 3 | Hinrich-Schmalfeldt-Strasse | 27570 Bremerhaven, Germany
Tel: +49 471 590-2556 |
The Social Services Department (Amt für Soziale Dienste) provides support and advice for individuals who claim benefits according to the Twelfth Book of the German Social Security Code (SGB XII) or the German Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act (AsylbLG). Please note: If the energy debt was incurred while benefits were being claimed, support according to Article 37 SGB XII will be considered.
Assumption of debt by means of a loan
Repayment of the loan in instalments
Additionally, the Social Services Department provides support and advice for individuals, who are not dependent on financial aid, and find themselves in a corresponding state of emergency with energy debt. In such cases, support is provided according to Article 36 SGB XII.
The Social Services Department decides whether the assumption of debt will involve a loan or a grant according to its best judgement.
Repayment of the loan in instalments
In Bremen, you can contact the following social welfare centres (Sozialzentren)of the Social Service Department for support, advice and assistance (Amt für Soziale Dienste):
Am Sedanplatz 7 | 28757
Bremen, Germany
Tel: +49 421 36179800
(for the local department
areas of Blumenthal, Vegesack and Lesum)
Monday to Thursday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-1:30pm
Other times by prior
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 9 |
28217 Bremen
Tel: +49 421 36116892
(for the local department
areas of Gröpelingen and Walle)
Monday to Thursday: 9:00am-3.00pm
Friday: 9:00am-1:00pm
Other times by prior
Rembertiring 39 | 28203
Tel: + 49 421 36118444
(for the local department
areas of Mitte, Östliche Vorstadt and Findorff)
Monday to Thursday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-1:00pm
Other times by prior
Große Sortillienstrasse 2-18 | 28199 Bremen
Tel: + 49 421 36179900
(for the local department
areas of Neustadt, Woltmershausen, Huchting and Obervieland)
Monday to Thursday: 8:00am-4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-1:00pm
Other times by prior
27a | 28329 Bremen
Tel: +49 421 36119500
(for the local department
areas of Vahr, Schwachhausen, Horn-Lehe, Oberneuland and Borgfeld)
Monday to Thursday: 8:00am-3:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm
Other times by prior
Pfalzburger Strasse 69a |
28207 Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 3613976
(specialist service: social affairs)
Tel: +49 421 36119812
(specialist service: young people)
(for the local department
areas of Hemelingen and Osterholz)
Monday to Thursday: 9:00am-3:00pm Friday: 9:00am-1:00pm Other times by prior arrangement
The Action Group for Unemployed Citizens (Aktionsgemeinschaft Arbeitsloser Bürgerinnen und Bürger/agab) provides support and advice for individuals in precarious circumstances regardless of whether they claim benefits according to Books II and XII of the German Social Security Code (SGB). The support and advice provided by agab mainly focuses on the following topics:
Shortages of money
Accommodation costs (incl. all energy costs)
Using potential services and offers in the social welfare system
agab helps you to deal with your financial problems by conducting negotiations with swb and referring you to the Social Services Department (Amt für Soziale Dienste), the Jobcenter or debt counselling centres. All consulting services are free of charge.
“agab Aktionsgemeinschaft Arbeitsloser Bürgerinnen und Bürger e.V.” Action Group for Unemployed Citizens
Counselling centres
Consultancy centre Bremen West (Walle) Grenzstraße 122 28217 Bremen Tel.: 0421/39 52 50 We can be reached by telephone at the following times: Monday to Thursday 09:00 to 13:00 and 14:00-16:00 (Telephone) appointment advice only by prior arrangement!
Open advice (without appointment with waiting time) Monday and Wednesday from 09:00 The advisory centre can be reached with tram line 3 stop “Grenzstraße” The advice centre is located in Grenzstr./corner Nordstr.
Counselling Centre South (Huchting) Amersfoorter Strasse 8 28259 BremenTel.: 0421/830092-21 Tuesday and Thursdays 08.00 to 12.00 Wednesday 10.00 to 14.00 Please make an appointment by phone!
Consultancy centre East (Tenever) St.-Gotthard-Str. 33 28325 Bremen Phone: 0421/6201 2409 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 09.00 to 13.00 You can reach us by tram line 1 or bus lines 25 or 37. The stop is “Schweizer Eck”. The counseling centre is located in the medical centre, 2. OG. Please make an appointment by phone!