Waller Beschäftigungs- und Qualifizierungsgesellschaft mbH gemeinnützig (WaBeQ GmbHg)

Low-income households in Bremen can contact the energy-saving assistants at WaBeQ free of charge. They are part of the nation-wide energy-saving check initiative and will help you lower the energy costs in your household. The energy-saving check allows you to save an average of 150 euros per year in energy costs.

How does it work?
The energy-saving team will visit you in your home and review your electricity consumption. They will give you initial tips on how to save electricity in your household and save money.

In the energy-saving team’s second visit, you will receive free immediate assistance valued at 70 euros on average. This includes energy-saving and LED bulbs, switchable multi-socket outlets, TV standby shut-off, timer switches and flow regulators for faucets that are installed directly. You will also receive a personal power-saving action plan and qualified tips on how to further reduce your electricity consumption easily. If your refrigerator is old and consumes too much electricity, an additional funding programme will help you acquire a new refrigerator that consumes less electricity.

The energy-saving assistants that visit you in your home are thoroughly qualified for this consultation. As individuals who have experienced long-term unemployment, they understand the everyday problems of low-income households from their own experience.

The energy-saving check is a nationwide community initiative of Deutschen Caritasverband e.V. and the Bundesverband der Energie- und Klimaschutzagenturen Deutschlands (eaD) e.V. and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety.

Make an appointment directly or use the form:

WaBeQ GmbHg
Thomas Gnutzmann
Schiffbauerweg 2
28237 Bremen
Phone 0421 – 694973 – 10

Privacy policy:
WaBeQ GmbHg saves your contact details exclusively for the purpose of carrying out the energy-saving check. Your data will not be disclosed to uninvolved third parties without your consent.

Förderwerk Bremerhaven GmbH

Low-income households in Bremen can contact the energy-saving assistants at WaBeQ free of charge. They are part of the nation-wide energy-saving check initiative and will help you lower the energy costs in your household. The energy-saving check allows you to save an average of 150 euros per year in energy costs.

How does it work?
The energy-saving team will visit you in your home and review your electricity consumption. They will give you initial tips on how to save electricity in your household and save money.

In the energy-saving team’s second visit, you will receive free immediate assistance valued at 70 euros on average. This includes energy-saving and LED bulbs, switchable multi-socket outlets, TV standby shut-off, timer switches and flow regulators for faucets that are installed directly. You will also receive a personal power-saving action plan and qualified tips on how to further reduce your electricity consumption easily. If your refrigerator is old and consumes too much electricity, an additional funding programme will help you acquire a new refrigerator that consumes less electricity.

The energy-saving assistants that visit you in your home are thoroughly qualified for this consultation. As individuals who have experienced long-term unemployment, they understand the everyday problems of low-income households from their own experience.

Make an appointment directly or use the form:

Förderwerk Bremerhaven GmbH
Auf der Bult 10a
27574 Bremerhaven
E-Mail: umweltscouts@foerderwerk-bremerhaven.de
Phone: 0471- 30 93 40 6


Privacy policy:
Förderwerk Bremerhaven saves your contact details exclusively for the purpose of carrying out the energy-saving check.

“Verbraucherzentrale Bremen e.V.“ Consumer Advice Centre

Verbraucherzentrale Bremen Bremehaven

The information centres (Beratungsstellen) of the consumer advice centres (Verbraucherzentralen) in the state of Bremen provide support and advice for consumers who have high energy costs and/or are facing the threat of electricity cut-offs.

The information centres provide support and advice on the following topics:

  • Checking your heating bill
  • Energy-saving user behaviour
  • Saving electricity/energy
  • Checking and receiving advice on your tariff or changing your electricity or gas provider
  • Consumer right (energy right)

Energy budget advice:
If you have problems paying your electricity bill, the Verbraucherzentrale will help you

  • Optimally plan your household finances
  • Find energy-saving opportunities
  • Secure your power supply in the long term and prevent electricity shut-offs
  • If you are threatened with an electricity shut-off.

As required, the Verbraucherzentrale assists with managing your outstanding payments, contacting and negotiating with your energy provider and arranging further counselling services.

Energy checks at consumers’ homes:

  • Building check for homeowners
  • Basic check (flat) for tenants and owners
  • Heating check for tenants with the written consent of the owner

Personal energy consultation in the counselling centres is free of charge. The basic check for tenants and homeowners is also free of charge. Further energy checks cost €40. Low-income households with corresponding proof (e.g. receipt of BAföG [federal student’s assistance], housing subsidy, AsylbLG [asylum seeker’s assistance], welfare benefits) receive all energy counselling services free of charge.

Verbraucherzentrale Bremen e.V.
Beratungszentrum Bremen (Bremen Advice Centre) | Altenweg 4 | 28195 Bremen
Energy consultations by appointment: Tel: +49 421 160777

Consultation hours for energy consultations:
Monday to Friday: 9:00am-1:00pm
Tuesday: 2:00pm-6:00pm
Thursday: 3:00pm-8:00pm

Open consultation hours for consumer rights advice:
Monday to Thursday: 10:00am-6:00pm
Friday: 10:00am-1:00pm

Energy Consultations in Bremen-Nord (in the Stadtbibliothek library)
Aumunder Heerweg 87 | 28757 Bremen
Energy consultations by appointment: Tel: +49 421 160777
Consultation hours: Thursday: 12:00pm-3:00pm

Beratungsstelle Bremerhaven (Bremerhaven Information Centre)
Barkhausenstrasse 16 | 27568 Bremerhaven
Energy consultations by appointment: Tel: +49 471 26194
Consultation hours:
Monday: 9:00am-12:00pm and 2:00pm-6:00pm Open consultation hours for consumer rights advice:
Monday and Wednesday: 10:00am-6:00pm, Friday 10:00am-1:00pm
Tuesday and Thursday by appointment only


swb Customer Service


The swb customer service team offers free consultations on how to save energy, and can provide you with information and advice on the options of payment in instalments.

swb Customer Centre Bremen-Mitte
Am Wall | Sögestrasse

swb Customer Centre Bremen-Nord
Reeder-Bischoff-Strasse 61

swb Customer Centre Bremerhaven
Bürgermeister-Smidt-Strasse 49

swb Customer Centre opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 9:00am-6:00pm

Customer service hotline:
Monday to Friday: 8:00am-6:00pm
Bremen: +49 421 3593590
Bremerhaven: +49 471 4771111